The Northern Ireland Heritage Gardens Trust recently held a very successful conference at the Woodenbridge Hotel, Co Wicklow, when over a hundred delegates from Ireland and Great Britain enjoyed a programme of talks about The Role of Water in Historic Garden Design and Management.
What is the Northern Ireland Heritage Gardens Trust?
The committee was formed in 1980. It was, and still is, made up of a voluntary group of like minded garden enthusiasts, owners, historians, horticulturists and others committed to preserving the Historic Parks, Gardens and Demesnes of Ireland for future generations.
While a wide range of issues affecting these designed landscapes are considered throughout the year, the committee also organises an annual 3 day conference, usually in early October, focussing on a specific historic garden design or horticultural theme. An annual lecture, given by an eminent authority on a related subject is also arranged for online viewing each spring.
© Trevor Edwards x 4 photos
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